Summer Squash, Corn and Cheddar Fritters
It’s no secret that summertime is an exciting time to visit the farmers market. Even the produce aisle at your local supermarket is more enticing and bursting with colorful fruits and veggies this time of year. I have to admit I have to restrain myself when I’m shopping in the warmer months because if I’m not careful, I buy too much, and things start to wilt and go bad before we have a chance to eat them. It’s sad and something I refuse to let happen.
Regardless of my restraint, sometimes I still buy too much. Case in point, the other day I couldn’t help myself around all of the gorgeous Jersey corn at my local farmers market and bought more than we needed. I made up a bunch but for some reason one ear of corn was left out. I didn’t notice it until I was cleaning out my fridge and there it was all by itself, lonely and begging to be consumed. But what does one do with one ear of corn? I have two kids who love the stuff and I felt bad about playing eenie meenie minnie mo. I thought about breaking it in half so they could share but then I noticed two summer squash sitting right next to the corn and it gave me a great idea: Summer Squash, Corn and Cheddar Fritters!
These fritters are super simple to make and bursting with summer produce goodness. They are delicious as a side or even as a main course served alongside a crisp salad. We enjoy them warm or at room temperature and even reheated the next day. Feel free to play around with the ingredients and use your favorite veggies or cheese. Zucchini, carrots, peppers, all work well as long as they are thinly sliced or shredded.
Summer Squash, Corn and Cheddar Fritters
Makes 12
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon dill (fresh or dried)
1/3-1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 ear of corn, shucked and kernels shaved off the cob
2 small summer squash, shredded
1/2 cup cheddar cheese, shredded
2-3 tablespoons olive oil plus more if needed
1. In a large bowl whisk together eggs, salt, pepper, dill and flour. Stir in corn, summer squash and cheddar cheese.
2. Preheat a large non-stick skillet over medium heat and pour in olive oil. Pour mixture into the pan using a heaping tablespoon of mixture for each fritter, Do not over crowd the pan, four fritters per average sized skillet is enough. Working in batches cook fritters for 2-3 minutes on each side, then remove to a paper towel. Add more oil to pan if necessary and repeat until all of the mixture is used up. Top with sour cream.