Chillin’ with Friends during the Holidays
Let’s just start out today with the fact that it is already November. What?!?! Where the heck did my summer go? I’m having a hard time grasping the fact that the holidays are starting. Yes, holiday cooking, baking, and entertaining is already happening.
I love the holidays. Each year I host a fabulous (if I do say so myself!) cookie exchange party that I plan out for weeks. Everything must be perfect from the goodies I serve to the drinks that are available for my guests. By the time that first guest arrives, I am fully prepared with everything. Call it entertaining OCD, if you would like. 😉
While I love to entertain, I am usually better when the party or get together is planned in advance. That’s not to say I can’t whip something together in a moment’s notice though. I’m crafty like that! I do have to throw out props to my new neighbors who have helped with this skill. They just moved in last Spring and we are already the best of friends. That means that they will stop by unannounced whenever they want. We like them – so we welcome them in for a drink every time just like we do with our other friends that do this. Someone to have a glass of wine or a beer with? Why wouldn’t we welcome that?!?
When holidays are approaching, such as now, the impromptu visits are more frequent. That means we always have to have a bottle of wine and some beer chillin’ in the fridge and even more on reserve in the pantry just in case. Here’s the problem – all that beer and wine takes us valuable fridge space that I need to house our 3 gallons of milk and food that I need to feed the family.
That is why I’m obsessed with the LG 3-Door Super Capacity French-Door Refrigerator with Blast Chiller. I. Must. Have. It. Not only is it one of the largest capacity 36-inch refrigerators (hey, my kids eat A LOT!) but it has this special new “Blast Chiller”.
The Blast Chiller is an amazing drawer in the fridge section that can chill a room temperature, 12 oz beverage in 5 minutes or a bottle of wine in 8 minutes. It holds two beers or one bottle of wine and in case you wanted to know, a regular refrigerator takes about 40 minutes to do that! Party would be half over in 40 minutes!
So, that Blast Chiller is why I need this fridge. Seriously, we wouldn’t be stuck looking like a bunch of bad hosts with warm beer or wine when the neighbors stop over unannounced because my husband removed the wine to fit in the milk gallons without telling me. I’m just sayin’.
Here’s how I imagine it going down:
Doorbell rings. The kids yell that Mr. Travis and Ms. Monica are here. I throw the wine in the blast chiller before I greet them. By the time we say our hellos and they make their way to the kitchen, the wine is chilled and ready to be poured. Brilliant. See why I need this?
My only problem now is how to keep the house clean. One problem at a time, right?!? 🙂
How do you handle unexpected visitors during the holidays?
For more information on this cool new fridge, visit the LG USA Facebook page or website: LG Facebook Page or
The LG Blast Chiller, available in the 3-Door Super Capacity French-Door refrigerator (LFX31935), can chill a room temperature, 12oz beverage in five minutes or a bottle of wine in just eight minutes. By comparison, a typical refrigerator takes about 40 minutes to accomplish this task – even in the freezer. This refrigerator is also among the largest capacity 36-inch refrigerators currently on the market, offering almost 20 percent more space and the ability to store over 50 gallons of milk.
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by LG via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of LG. I do not have an LG 3-Door Super Capacity French-Door Refrigerator even though I would love one and will do a full in-depth review if I ever get one. 🙂