Baby Food Recipe: Spiced Carrots
I began making my own baby food when my first daughter was around 6 months. I did it because, well, quite honestly, it sounded like the right thing to do.
Curious parent friend: Oh, what baby foods are you giving her? Gerber?
Me: Oh, no, no, no. Just some sweet potatoes I planted, watered, and picked from my garden, roasted, and pureed. It sounds like a lot and it kind of is but really it’s labor of love, a small price to pay… for her health.
Just kidding…about the garden part. I began making her baby food, but, eventually, I started buying baby food from the store because it seemed easier to me as a busy working mom. But then when I quit my job and couldn’t afford the cost of store bought baby food, I had to make a change.
My second daughter is just now beginning to eat solids, and while very busy as a stay-at-home mom, I am making her baby food all of the time to save money and to ensure that she’s getting the best ingredients and trying flavors that I find interesting.
So I’ve been making her baby food and I’ve been enjoying it actually. This Spiced Carrots recipe is one that she really likes at 6 months. I would imagine that it would be great for older babies, too, because it’s just that good. Oh, and I like that it’s very, very easy to make!
5 large organic whole carrots
¼ teaspoon of cinnamon*
¼ teaspoon of cardamom*
- (For non-organic carrots) Peel them first. With both types of carrots, wash and cut them into small chunks.
- Bake carrots in aluminum foil on 350° until tender. Usually, this takes about 45 minutes in my oven. (You can also steam the carrots, but I prefer to bake them because I like the taste better.)
- Place cooked carrots into a blender with water (add to your desired consistency) and puree.
- Add in cinnamon and cardamom and pulse the carrots until the ingredients are blended.
- Pour puree into ice cube tray(s). Place saran wrap on top of your tray(s) of baby food and freeze overnight.
Once the purees are frozen, remove the cubes from the tray(s) and place them into Ziploc bags for storage. Serve warm and enjoy! This recipe typically yields a whole tray for me, or 16 cubes. I typically use a cube per her solid meal so it works out nicely.
*Most pediatricians recommend introducing spices when a baby is 8 months old to stave off possible “digestive upsets.” (Wholesome Baby Food). But, if you are eating spices as a breastfeeding mom, introducing the same spices into your baby’s food is okay since he’s already been receiving them through your milk. As a rule, and as recommended by Wholesome Baby Food, when trying out any new foods or spices, wait four days before introducing a new food or spice.