Home » Turkey Pizza

Turkey Pizza

Back in the day I told my mama I wouldn’t eat anything that had a mother. Come Thanksgiving, that put her in quite the predicament. Because hello mama, all turkeys have mothers! So one year, Turkey Pizza landed on the menu and it has been a hit among the kids at our Thanksgiving table ever since!

Want to make your own Turkey Pizza this year? Here’s how …

Split an English muffin in half and spread your favorite pizza sauce on top

Add shredded cheese and bake at 400 degrees for 8 minutes

After baking, embellish with olive eyes and a pepperoni or salami beak, then pop your pizzas back in the oven for a minute or two so the toppings can warm

Grab a base plate and position pepper strip feathers and salami or pepperoni legs

Turkey Pizza

Place your English muffin “turkey” on top of his feather, add a pepper “gobble”, and just like that –           IT’S A TURKEY PIZZA!

Be sure to offer Turkey Pizza with a side of ranch dressing or hummus for dipping the pepper strips. Or, you can substitute roasted carrots for feathers. And, if your children are like me, they’ll never connect that salami and pepperoni also had a mother once upon a time.

P.S. If you grimaced at my worn looking baking sheet in the first three photos, don’t! It’s Pampered Chef Stoneware and it is by far one of my most prized pieces in the kitchen. As you cook on it, it becomes more and more seasoned which provides great flavor and a natural non-stick coating. That was totally a non-endorsed shout out – I really do just love my stoneware!

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